Five Nights in Anime

The game takes place in a fashionable pizzeria, where a popular anime event has taken place. You play as the security guard of the place, who has to supervise order during the convention. The convention itself will only last five days, but during this period many strange and even dangerous events will occur. You sit quietly in your guard room, which is accessed by two doors and a ventilation shaft. You also have monitors that broadcast from the security cameras. In this way you can monitor what is happening in different parts of the pizzeria. Suddenly a group of young girls go crazy and start attacking everyone. You can’t fight back because there are many of them and you are just one. Is it possible to survive here at all? What will you do?
Saving your life
So the only thing you can do is to barricade yourself in a room and hope they don’t get through to you. But the situation gets more complicated as they start trying to get to you. To prevent this from happening, you have to close the doors and the vent in time before they start climbing into your room. To do this, you use up electricity, which you don’t have a lot of. So you should use it wisely. If you don’t close the door in time or if you run out of power and the girls do get in, they will try to kill you. At such times you will lose. The game will also end once you have lived through all five nights and survived – then you win. Remember also that you cannot fight the girls. You have no weapons and it is impossible to harm them in any way. Don’t forget to use your cameras to know where these pretty killers are moving.