Super Friday Night Funki At Freddy’s 2

You remember well that Boyfriend has already successfully defeated animatronics from FNAF. But evil toys cannot put up with their shameful failure and decide to urgently take revenge. So, Freddy, Chica and the rest of the toy company return to the FNF universe to dance against Boyfriend again. The antagonists are determined to destroy the poor hero this time. They bring new creepy songs and challenge the guy to a dancing arena for a fierce rap battle.

Help Boyfriend win again!

The rules have not changed – both parties need to dance to a new song and match its rhythm as close as possible. You will see colored arrow symbols on the screen – they are floating above the head of the character and your task is to press them to match the music beats. Keep an eye on your progress bar. It needs to remain green until the last chord. If you move randomly and miss too many notes, it will turn red, and the game will be over for you. Make sure you dance to the rhythm!

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